2010 Year in Review - Some Stats! | Maven Research

2010 Year in Review – Some Stats!

Those of you who have followed the MavenBlog know that here at Maven we’re data and statistics junkies. We analyze pretty much every aspect of activity in the Global Knowledge Marketplace and have an almost neurotic obsession with discovering and tracking new metrics. Much of this data is, of course, proprietary, but whenever possible we like to share numbers with our users to help them better understand Maven and compare their experience with the “norm.”

With that in mind, here are some numbers from 2010 we thought we’d share with you:

528% Annual membership growth. That comes out to just under 15% per month.

404 Most new Mavens recruited into the network by a single Member.

30 Average duration of a Telephone Consultation in minutes.

$925.00 Highest payment to a participating Member for a single Telephone Consultation (it was a REALLY long discussion…)

$176.43 Average payment to the participating Member for a Telephone Consultation.

$10.67 Average Referral Commission paid for each Telephone Consultation.

16% Ratio of Follow-Up Consultations to total Telephone Consultations. Put another way, it is VERY common for a Client to request to follow up with a Member whose insights they find valuable.

5% Member “no-show” rate. Once in a while a Member will fail to pick up the phone when our system calls them at the scheduled time. Don’t do this- it is discourteous to the Client and your MavenScore will suffer immensely. If your schedule changes and you can’t keep the original time, login and request to reschedule or cancel.

2% Client “no-show” rate. Curiously, Clients (who are paying for Consultations) are less likely than Members (who get paid to participate) to miss a scheduled call.

If you didn’t have the chance to profit from your Maven membership in 2011, don’t fret. We’re growing like crazy and adding new opportunities to participate every day. To maximize your chances of success, take a moment now to update your Maven profile and invite a knowledgeable friend or colleague to join Maven.

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Training, support, and consulting

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External Network

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Consultation tools

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Survey Tools
(internal only restrictions)

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Community Management

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Volume Discount

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