A Maven Gets Published | Maven Research

A Maven Gets Published

One of our Mavens, HyperInk. Michael learned about the opportunity through an invitation he received from Maven, and earlier this this week The Best Book on Designing iPad and iPhone Apps was published.

I had a chance to catch up with Michael today to learn more about his experience.

Wyatt Nordstrom: Hi Michael. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with us. Before we get started, how did you first hear about Maven?

Michael Miller: My good friend and security expert The Best Book On Designing iPhone & iPad Apps. It gives advice to new developers looking to break into the world of iOS app development. The reader is walked through the processes of creating a successful app. Topics covered include locating your target audience, proper use of screen real estate, approaches that other popular apps have taken, and general advice for all developers.

WN: How long did the writing and publishing take?

MM: The entire process from my first conversations with Hyperink, to the release of the book to the public was about 10 weeks. About 3 weeks were spent writing, doing interviews with the Hyperink journalist, and going over drafts.

WN: How did it work? What was your favorite part of the process?

MM: The process was easy to follow, and seemed perfectly suited for those new to authoring. My favorite part of the process was working with Hyperink’s journalist, Bri James. Bri did an amazing job collecting information, and turning my knowledge into text that will be easy and pleasurable to read for all readers.

WN: Do you have any advice for other Mavens?

MM: Because Maven seemed like a great opportunity to get extra work for myself, while at the same time helping organizations achieve their goals, I wanted to make sure I was presenting myself in an attractive way. So, I spent a lot of time making sure my profile was complete, accurate, and honest.

WN: What’s your next book going to be about?

MM: Thanks to Hyperink’s easy process, I’m hoping to create a number of books over the coming years on various topics. Potential topics are all over the place, from broadcast news technology, to dog rescue.

WN: Thanks, Michael! We look forward to seeing your future work.

Interested in learning more about iOS app development? You can consult with Michael on this topic and others through Maven.

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