Exclusive Survey Preview: The Facebook IPO - Hot Stock or All Hype? | Maven Research

Exclusive Survey Preview: The Facebook IPO – Hot Stock or All Hype?

Maven has conducted an exclusive Survey on Facebook and the prospects for its upcoming IPO. The results will be released soon, but here is a quick preview.

The Facebook IPO – Hot Stock or All Hype?

This Survey of professional investors (including Public Equities Investors, Portfolio Managers, Investment Bankers, and Venture Capitalists) explores the likely success or failure of the IPO, including expected performance of Facebook for the first three months after the IPO and key drivers that will contribute to that performance.


Q1: Which of the following best describes your CURRENT role? (select one)

A. Venture Capitalist (QUALIFYING)
B. Angel Investor (QUALIFYING)
C. Private Equity Professional (QUALIFYING)
D. Public Equity Asset Manager (Hedge Fund, Mutual Fund, etc.) (QUALIFYING)
E. Investment Banker (QUALIFYING)
F. Technology Investment Analyst (independent research, sell-side, etc.) (QUALIFYING)
G. Healthcare Investment Analyst (independent research, sell-side, etc.)
H. Media Investment Analyst (independent research, sell-side, etc.) (QUALIFYING)
I. Energy/Industrials Investment Analyst (independent research, sell-side, etc.)
J. Media Consultant
K. Media Planner/Buyer
L. Technology Consultant
M. None of the Above

Q2: Which of the following best describes your CURRENT investment position in Facebook? (select one)
A. I am a current Facebook shareholder, and I plan to hold my shares through the IPO
B. I am a current Facebook shareholder, but I plan to sell my shares in the secondary market before the IPO
C. I am a current Facebook shareholder, and I plan to buy more shares in the secondary market before the IPO
D. I am a current Facebook shareholder, and I plan to buy more shares in the IPO
E. I am a current Facebook shareholder, and I plan to buy more shares both in the secondary market before the IPO and in the IPO
F. I am not a current Facebook shareholder, but I plan to buy shares in the secondary market before the IPO
G. I am not a current Facebook shareholder, but I plan to buy shares in the Facebook IPO
H. I am not  a current Facebook shareholder, but I plan to buy shares in the secondary market before the IPO and in the IPO
I. I plan to invest in Facebook after the IPO
J. I have invested in Facebook in the past, but I do not currently own any shares nor do I plan to invest again
K. I am interested in the Facebook IPO, but I am going to wait to see how the market reacts before investing
L. I have never owned shares in Facebook, nor do I plan to buy any at any time in the future

Q3: What do you think of Facebook’s membership outlook over the next 2 years? (select one)
A. Facebook membership will continue to grow at or above the current rate
B. Facebook membership will continue to grow, but at a slower rate
C. Facebook membership has reached its high water mark and will remain where it is today
D. Facebook membership has peaked and will begin to decline gradually
E. Facebook membership has peaked and will decline quickly

Q4: By what PERCENTAGE do you believe Facebook’s stock will rise or fall in the first 3 months after the IPO (if you believe the stock will fall, please enter a negative number)? (enter a number)

Q5. Please explain your response to the previous question. In your opinion, what factors will cause the stock to rise or fall by the amount you specified?

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