Exclusive Survey Preview: Facebook - Is this the Beginning... or the Beginning of the End? | Maven Research

Exclusive Survey Preview: Facebook – Is this the Beginning… or the Beginning of the End?

Maven has conducted an exclusive Survey on Facebook and its future prospects. The results will be released soon, but here is a quick preview:

Facebook – Is this the Beginning… or the Beginning of the End?

This Survey of social media marketing professionals explores Facebook’s effectiveness as a marketing and advertising tool. In addition, respondents were asked for their views on Facebook’s long-term growth prospects, future competition, and factors that will lead to its continued success or potential decline.





Q1: Which of the following best describes your current role? (select one)

A. Social Networking Professional (QUALIFYING)
B. Social Gaming Professional (QUALIFYING)
C. Social PR Consultant (QUALIFYING)
D. Social Advertising/Marketing (QUALIFYING)
E. Social Media Strategist (QUALIFYING)
F. Social Media User
G. None of the Above

Q2: As a percentage of your total advertising spending in 2011, how much was devoted to social media? (select one)
A. More than 50% (QUALIFYING)
B. Between 25% and 50% (QUALIFYING)
C. Between 10% and 25% (QUALIFYING)
D. Less than 10% (QUALIFYING)
E. None
F. I am not involved in advertising spending.

Q3: As a percentage of your total social media marketing spending in 2011, how much was devoted to Facebook? (enter a number)

Q4: What is your 2012 outlook for the use of Facebook for advertising? (select one)
A. My spending on this channel will INCREASE SIGNIFICANTLY
B. My spending on this channel will INCREASE MODESTLY
C. My spending on this channel will INCREASE SLIGHTLY
D. My spending on this channel will STAY ABOUT THE SAME
E. My spending on this channel will DECREASE SLIGHTLY
F. My spending on this channel will DECREASE MODESTLY
G. My spending on this channel will DECREASE SIGNFICANTLY.

Q5: In your opinion, which of the following is true about Facebook as a social media marketing and advertising channel? (select one)
A. Facebook is by far the best and most effective social media marketing and advertising channel
B. Facebook is the best and most effective social media marketing and advertising channel, but there are others that come close
C. Facebook is not the best and most effective social media marketing and advertising channel, but it is close to the best
D. There are other social media marketing and advertising channels that are far more effective than Facebook

Q6: Who do you believe will be Facebook’s biggest competitor in the next 2 years? (select one)
A. Google
B. Microsoft
C. Twitter
D. Apple
E. Other – please specify in your response to Question 8

Q7: What do you think of Facebook’s membership outlook over the next 2 years? (select one)
A. Facebook membership will continue to grow at or above the current rate
B. Facebook membership will continue to grow, but at a slower rate
C. Facebook membership has reached its high water mark and will remain where it is today
D. Facebook membership has peaked and will begin to decline gradually
E. Facebook membership has peaked and will decline quickly

Q8: Please explain your response to the previous question, including the factors you believe will contribute to Facebook’s growth or decline. If you answered “Other” to Question 6, please also specify who you believe will be Facebook’s biggest competitor.

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