As we’ve Referral System to empower you to connect with others and profit from who you know.
But did you know that organizations can use Maven’s referral system as well?
For example, universities and other not-for-profit organizations frequently ask their alumni and members for donations. The fundraising process takes a lot of work, volunteers often get burned out, and those targeted frequently complain that the only time they ever hear from the organizations they care about is when the organizations are looking for money.  As an alternative, a few enterprising nonprofits have actually used Maven for fundraising.
Last year an alumni organization invited its members to join Maven. Rather than asking for money, they actually presented their alums with an opportunity to MAKE some money! Several of the alumni did join Maven, and now as they get paid to participate in Maven microconsulting engagements, the alumni association earns today to find out how an organization you care about can take advantage of Maven’s referral program.