The Microconsulting Revolution | Maven Research

The Microconsulting Revolution

In 2007, Maven’s founders coined the term “microconsulting.” In short, microconsulting delivers quick bursts of the right expertise at the right time, enabling people to make smarter, more informed decisions. Maven is following a precedent set by some of the most influential and progressive companies that focused on the long tail. For example, Apple created iTunes and Amazon an online bookstore. These companies decreased the barriers to buying a book, or purchasing music, therefore increasing the number of people engaging in these activities. Microconsulting is an extension of this trend. Maven removes the barriers and allows companies access to external consultants and consultants to access opportunities. Consulting is no longer an activity that is restricted to management consulting firms, but is open to everyone who has knowledge to share. Microconsulting has put knowledge sharing at the tip of our fingers much like Apple and Amazon has done with music and books.

The microconsulting revolution is about disrupting the old image of consulting
, it expands the playing field so everyone can have access to the knowledge and expertise they need. When an unexpected hurdle occurs, a working professional needs to connect to the right expertise in real time. The creation of the Internet started this revolution and Maven is building on that foundation. By removing connectivity barriers companies can quickly source the expertise they need, allowing them to be more agile and productive.

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