Insights from an Outdoor Enthusiast | MavenBlog

Maven’s Most Interesting Jobs – Insights from an Outdoor Enthusiast

Bluesky Outfitting, a world renown goose and duck hunting  lodge in Alberta, Canada. They also are partners in a remote fly fishing lodge, Aylmer Lake Lodge. To compliment their tourist business they also established Bluesky Energy, a non potable water hauling business for construction, pipeline, and oilfield. Amazingly, Patti also finds time to work as a bank Branch Manager and Energy Healer.

The adventurous Patti recently took a break from her busy schedule to tell us more about her background and what keeps her days interesting.

How did you decide to become involved in outdoor sporting and tourism?

My husband, Kevin, and I live in the perfect spot for waterfowl migration, one day we said why not? 15 years later we are rated the number three destination in North America. We took an idea, developed a plan, created our marketing strategy and we have never looked back.  We enjoy the outdoors, we love a challenge, and we love to be busy. Our family is supportive, involved, and excited about our businesses and the opportunities that they create for the family. We love the people interactions, we enjoy sharing some of the very best the world has to offer in hunting and fishing.


What is the most interesting aspect of your line of work? Any fun stories?

I have lived and worked in 3 Provinces and a Territory and the fun is in the people you meet, and the events, activities that you make yourself a part of. The teams that I have been fortunate to lead always stay in touch. They pull pranks, like the time I got an irate customer call over finances that had to do with tomatoes, lots of tomatoes, they had worked out their story so they had me going. Then it was hey it’s just us checking in on you, what adventure are you up to now. Next day I had a case of tomatoes delivered to me.

Great tidbits of advice from Patti:

  • It is not what you know but who you know and establishing your reputation.
  • Be passionate about helping people create successful outcomes
  • It’s about the journey, it’s about the people you meet on the journey, it’s about stretching yourself, it’s about living a life that you want to live.

Thank you so much for sharing Patti!

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