Case Study: An Ounce of Prevention (Waste Oil Experts)
The Problem
A research group for a medical device manufacturer had been trying to identify manufacturers who could produce a particular thermoplastic polyethylene material that was currently being used in their implantable medical devices. They were currently working with one manufacturer that met their tight requirements but was concerned with output limitations and redundancy. They had exhausted their network (and google!) and felt they were out of options.
Critical Issues
Scalability Specific Production Requirements Limited Connections
The Solution
After speaking with their Maven Account Manager, it was decided that the team would start with a Telephone Consultation project to see if there was anyone who had the connections they were seeking. There were a few respondents, and the Customer found what they were looking for with a Maven based in India. The Maven Customer was able to retain him to research the feasibility of what they were looking to accomplish, and see if one of the manufacturers he knew would be able to collaborate to provide them with the extra capacity they needed. Within a month the Maven was able to introduce them to a manufacturer that they were able to move forward with setting up a second production facility.
“We didn’t expect much since we thought there weren’t any options for us by the time we turned to Maven, but they proved us wrong. We were connected with a facility that we would not have found on our own. Next time we’ll start with Maven.” –